I hope one day to inspire someone with the words I write on this page...
To help them through the difficult times in their life...
To make someone feel they aren't alone...
To maybe change someones life for the better...

But I hope for his sake he never reads this...

Monday, July 04, 2011


I want everyone right now to think of the little things that have happened to them in the past week. More specifically, the people who have made you feel good for doing the simplest thing. Whether it was that they were a good listener, someone who was there to relate, or even the people who complimented you that one day, and said your shirt was pretty, or that you have a nice smile. One little detail like that can change a life. We all go through difficult times, and keep moving on. And there's times in everyone's life where they feel alone. Some may even feel that life isn't worth all that they are going through. In these times, we think about all the good things we have. And when we realise there isn't many, we think about the people that made us feel good. The people with heart. The ones who have helped us out, and went out of their way to do something nice for us. The worthless people we think we are. How could someone be so considerate? And why? You may not realise it now, but the small things count. And in a time where you feel completely alone, there is always someone who cares. Even if they don't know who you are. I care so much for people I don't know. I want to help anyone who feels they are not enough. Let me change your life, because I promise I will try. I love every person who has ever said something nice in my favour. They don't know it but they saved my life. No one deserves to feel like they're not good enough. No one deserves to feel like they aren't loved. I want you to all remember the little things in our lives that may not matter the most. You might not remember who these people are, but you will remember how the things they did changed your life. Maybe even saved it. 

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