I hope one day to inspire someone with the words I write on this page...
To help them through the difficult times in their life...
To make someone feel they aren't alone...
To maybe change someones life for the better...

But I hope for his sake he never reads this...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I know what it's like to be so mad, you go into this blind rage and don't even remember what you said or did. I know what it's like to be so heartbroken, you can't even look at yourself in the mirror without bursting into tears. I know what it's like to have so many bad things happen to you, you start to lose faith in everything. However, I also know times of pure joy and happiness. And if I can just keep my mind set on those, I know I'll make it through all those hard times. And maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to find the faith I thought I had lost forever.

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