I hope one day to inspire someone with the words I write on this page...
To help them through the difficult times in their life...
To make someone feel they aren't alone...
To maybe change someones life for the better...

But I hope for his sake he never reads this...

Friday, December 31, 2010


I’ve learned this past year. I've changed, I've grown. Maybe things do happen for a reason, maybe they don't. But no matter what, they still happen. That's what we need to remember. I learned to stop analysing things, to just let them happen. And if I get hurt, or if something bad happens, then it happens. There's nothing I can do to change that. I've learned to go with my gut, and that it's okay to make mistakes because the ones that matter, won't care. I've learned that love really is as great as they say it is. I've learned that your friends can save you from your worst enemy: yourself. And most importantly, I've learned that today is all we have.

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