I hope one day to inspire someone with the words I write on this page...
To help them through the difficult times in their life...
To make someone feel they aren't alone...
To maybe change someones life for the better...

But I hope for his sake he never reads this...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I had a really fun time today with my friends. I was out having fun, laughing the day away, not thinking about the hurt I was feeling. I actually believed in that moment that I was going to be fine without you. That I didn't need you. I was happy, and you were just an asshole who didn't matter anymore. Then I came home, sat down, and remembered. I guess that happiness was only temporary, because in that moment, I couldn't even get up from my seat. I just sat there, staring at the floor. Trying to figure out whatever there was to figure out, although it was plain and simple.. I meant nothing to you. I was that easy to let go of. I was your interest for a while, and in a couple of days you moved right along to someone else. No closure, no nothing. I don't know what the hell is going on. I didn't think I cared anymore. But I know I do. I know I just hide the pain. I know I do because I won't sleep tonight knowing you're saying all those same things you said to me, to her. And you're out, laughing and having fun with her like the rest of the world doesn't matter; like what we should be doing. And she has taken my place. I'm nothing to you now. You don't even feel anything. Well, I get sick, weak in the knees, and almost drop everything I am holding because I can't stand to think about you with her, with anyone. I thought I was over you, but I guess I'm not.

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